

Our 2022 Mission Committee Report is online ! 

Report Extract : 

I. SUBLIME Energie : General Presentation and Activity 

A. A solution for biogas liquefaction and transportation for the large-scale development of anaerobic digestion in diffuse environments

B. Responsible innovation for the ecological transition of energy and society

C. Mission-driven company (société à mission), 2030 objectives and external factors

D. Presentation of the team

II. Raison d’être, Company Missions and Stakeholders

A. Qualification: SUBLIME Energie is a mission-driven company (in the eyes of the law)

B. Raison d’être of the company

C. A project co-constructed with its stakeholders

D. Company Missions

E. Operational objectives and indicators: the mission model

III. Mission Committee: Composition and Operation

IV. Progress on Mission Execution: Achievements in 2022 

A. Progress on Mission 1 

B. Progress on Mission 2 

C. Progress on Mission 3 

D. Follow up on internal stakeholders’ workstream

E. Completion of our first audit and reasoned opinion

V. Mission Plan: 2023 Projections 

VI. CEC Roadmap 


Download our 2022 Mission Committee Report here