A one-of-a-kind innovation for biogas liquefaction

A closer look at our technological process:

An ambitious and realistic timeline for technological maturation


Launch of our DELTA demonstrator

DELTA will be the first of a series of demonstrators. It will bring together a dozen farms with a hub, producing 3,000 tons of bioLNG and 5,500 tons of bioCO2.


Launch of our CHARLIE demonstrator

CHARLIE will involve the installation and use of our demonstrator directly on the farm of our partner, GAZEA in Brittany. We’ll be using real biogas from the existing anaerobic digester to test our technology in an integrated operating environment.


Launch of our BRAVO demonstrator

After a test period, the BRAVO demonstrator was officially launched at the end of the year, and liquefaction tests began.

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At the same time, our team worked on the design of a second demonstrator called CHARLIE.


Engineering and manufacturing of the BRAVO laboratory demonstrator

One year after the company was founded, SUBLIME Energie embarked on the creation of a full-scale demonstrator in collaboration with industrial players. The aim of this demonstrator being to prove the efficiency and performance of the innovations developed by the company, with a biogas flow rate equivalent to that of on-farm anaerobic digestion.

In 2021, a second patent was filed by SUBLIME Energie.


ALPHA our POC (Proof Of Concept) 

In 2020, we developed our POC, ALPHA, enabling us to demonstrate how well our technology works on low synthetic biogas flows.

That same year, SUBLIME Energie entered into an R&D partnership with Mines Paris – PSL, granting us an exclusive license to use the biogas liquefaction patent filed by Mines Paris.