SUBLIME Energie, the first mission-driven company
SUBLIME Energie is a mission-driven company (société à mission*), a Deeptech start-up, and a spin-off from Mines Paris PSL. Since its creation in 2019, the company has worked on its one-of-a-kind technology for biogas liquefaction enabling the development of small-scale on-farm anaerobic digestion and the local production of bioLNG, a low-carbon fuel for heavy machinery, and bioCO2.
*A qualification attributed to businesses for continued compliance to social and/or environmental commitments.
Our raison d’être :
Contribute to the necessary ecological, social and energy revolution by developing the production and valorization of low-carbon renewable gases to replace their fossil equivalents.
Our 3 Objectives
Objective 1 :
Develop the production, recovery and use of all biogas components in order to replace fossil fuels with low-carbon renewable gases.
Objective 2 :
Develop the circular economy and promote the activity and independence of agricultural regions, farmers, and other local stakeholders
Objective 3 :
Develop research in the fields of renewable gases, circular economy and responsible business management, to industrialise its results and make them known, particularly through teaching.
Our Mission Committee

Servane Lecollinet
Manager of methanisation at Gazea, member of the Board of the Association des Agriculteurs Méthaniseurs de France
since 2023. Servane is vice-president of the Mission Committee.

Armand Hatchuel
Professor and researcher in science management and design theory at Mines Paris – PSL.
Mission Committee Reports and Audits:
The Impact of Our Work

Our environmental impact
Our business generates a number of positive environmental impacts:
- Reducted GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by increasing on-farm anaerobic digestion.
- Reduced transportation by liquefying biogas.
- Reduced GHG and fine-particle emissions by marketing a low-carbon renewable fuel suitable for heavy machinery.
- Reduced risk of nitrate leaching by using digestate.
- Crop diversity.
- Reduced GHG emissions by replacing CO2 coming from fossil fuels.
Our social and societal impact
Beyond our environmental impact, SUBLIME Energie aims to build projects with a positive social and societal impact:
- Creation of local jobs that can't be relocated.
- Additional income for farmers.
- Increased regional attractiveness and opportunities.
- Bringing farms up to today's standards.
- Reduced spending on chemical fertilizers.

Our Team
Bruno Adhémar
An INPG Phelma Engineer who graduated in 1990, Bruno worked for 27 years at Orano (formerly Aeva). From 2007 to 2011, he co-managed the Transport Business Line of AREVA’s Logistics BU.
From 2000 to 2001, he was the Technical Coordinator for the construction of a treatment center for contaminated fluids from the Chernobyl accident.
Between April and July 2011, he was the Project Manager in Japan for the first unit to decontaminate water from the Fukushima Daïchi accident. Upon his return and until 2018, he was in charge of setting up the National Severe Accident Response Force (FINA, Force d’Intervention Nationale en cas d’accident grave).
With a strong industrial background, he is skilled in team and project management, as well as crisis management. Since 2019, he has held the “Second Life – Deep Tech Entrepreneur” Specialized Master’s degree from Mines Paris – PSL.
Recruited in September 2021, Amatalrhman holds a degree in Process Engineering from ENSGTI in Pau and an excellence scholarship from Total Exploration & Production Yemen.
She did her final year internship at IFPEN, developing an absorber simulation tool for the DMXTM process, as part of a European 3D project (DMXTM Demonstration in Dunkirk) for CO2 capture.
She is also the author of a scientific paper on CO2 adsorption in different types of Marcellus shale, written during her experience at Petronas University (Malaysia). Amatalrhman’s previous professional experience includes studying CO2 capture and absorption.
Josephine Titeca
Marius Chapays
Recruited in January 2022, Marius is responsible for evaluating, enhancing and maximizing the company’s environmental and social impact. At the same time, he is involved in SUBLIME Energie’s mission-driven approach and is in charge of the company’s external communications.
Marius is a graduate of Grenoble business school (GEM). He previously worked for a start-up, his school’s junior enterprise, and the French Ministry for Ecological Transition (MTE, Ministère de la Transition écologique). He also has experience in community work, as founder and president of a humanitarian association.
Passionate about renewable energies and their benefits for society and the environment, it was the potential impact of SUBLIME Energie that prompted him to join the adventure.
Guillermo Hernán Zahler
Guillermo was recruited by SUBLIME Energie in September 2021.
He holds a dual degree in Chemical Engineering, with a specialization in Process Engineering, at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (Chimie ParisTech – PSL), France, and at the Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (FIQ – UNL), Argentina, completed between 2016 and 2022.
Guillermo has industrial experience in equipment sizing, process simulation and optimization, both in France and Argentina.
Kathryn Welles
Katy graduated from Smith College in the United States, where she majored in Art History and French studies with a Museums concentration. After teaching English in French elementary schools for two years, she turned to school administration. She has worked for Sarah Lawrence College Study Abroad Program in Paris, as well as the Chapin School in New York and the American University of Paris.
Recruited in February 2024, Katy’s responsibilities include administration, daily operations, and human resources at SUBLIME Energie.